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Every screen that appears in your application will have a ViewModel and a ViewModelBuilder.

The ViewModel is a State object that introduces an InheritedWidget to the widget tree. This is where your business logic will live.

class HomeViewModel extends ViewModel<HomeViewModel> {

// For convenience, you can add a static .of_ getter. This is optional
static HomeViewModel of_(BuildContext context) => getModel<HomeViewModel>(context);

// Here is where you will add your business logic and state properties
// Notice that you have access to setState here
ValueNotifier<int> counter = ValueNotifier(0);

void incrementCounter() {
setState(() {

The ViewModelBuilder is a StatefulWidget that you will include in your widget tree. ViewModelBuilder creates the ViewModel from above.

 class HomeViewModelBuilder extends ViewModelBuilder<HomeViewModel> {
const HomeViewModelBuilder({
required super.builder,

// Override createState to create the specific ViewModel from above
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => HomeViewModel();

Once you have your ViewModel and ViewModelBuilder, add the ViewModelBuilder to your widget tree:

return Scaffold(
body: HomeViewModelBuilder(
builder: (context, model) {
return Text('Test')