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Access Data

There are several ways to access the ViewModel now that its added to your widget tree.

1. Use the provided "model" object:โ€‹

return Scaffold(
body: HomeViewModelBuilder(
builder: (context, model) {
return Text(model.title); // Add a title String to your ViewModel

2. Use the getModel<T> helper function:โ€‹

Under the hood, the getModel function uses dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType to get the type you specify in the generic parameter T.

return Scaffold(
body: HomeViewModelBuilder(
builder: (context, model) {
return Text(getModel<HomeViewModel>(context).title); // Add a title String to your ViewModel

3. Use the ModelWidget widget:โ€‹

This package includes a ModelWidget widget. This widget is similar to a Builder widget with the added benefit that it finds the nearest ViewModel in the subtree and includes it in the builder function:

builder: (context, model) {
return Text(model.counter.value.toString());

4. Use the .of(context) method:โ€‹

Each ViewModel has a built in .of() method. This is useful if you break your widget tree up and need to access the model in a different widget:

return Scaffold(
body: HomeViewModelBuilder(
builder: (context, model) {
return Text(HomeViewModel().of(context).title); // Add a title String to your ViewModel

If you want to save yourself the time it takes to type the extra parenthesis, add a separate method directly in your View Model (classes can't have instance and static methods with the same name, hence the ".of_" vs ".of")
class HomeViewModel extends ViewModel<HomeViewModel> {

// Add this
static HomeViewModel of_(BuildContext context) => getModel<HomeViewModel>(context);